

ultrasoundUltrasound utilizes sound waves rather than x-rays to produce a medical image or picture of various organs and tissues in the body. As the ultrasound waves penetrate the body, they are reflected back to the transducer by the internal organs. These echoes contain information that is converted into an image of the organ being examined.

During your exam, you will be asked to wear a gown and will be positioned on the exam table. A transmission gel will be applied to the area of your body that will be examined. A transducer will be moved slowly over the body part being imaged, producing a sensation of light pressure on your skin. The ultrasound images will appear on a monitor similar to a TV screen and are recorded on film or high quality photographic paper for a detailed study.

WDC conducts neck, abdominal, pelvic, thyroid and scrotal sonograms. The ultrasonic equipment allows superb OB/GYN evaluations with both transabdominal and transvaginal techniques to supplement traditional imaging modalities. WDC is also equipped with color flow doppler capabilities for venous and arterial studies.


Ultrasound Preparation

Body Parts for the Ultrasound


Pelvic / Obstetrical

Drink one quart of water 2 hours prior to exam. Do not urinate after drinking water. Your bladder must be full for the sonogram.


No preparation necessary.


Clear liquid diet for 12 hours prior to exam. Liquids include clear juices such as apple, cranberry and grape, clear soups, Jell-O, coffee or tea. No milk products or carbonated beverages should be consumed prior to the exam.

Abdominal / Aortic / Renal

Clear liquid diet for 4 hours prior to exam. Liquids include clear juices such as apple, cranberry and grape, clear soups, Jell-O, coffee, or tea. No milk products or carbonated beverages should be consumed prior to the exam.

Thyroid / Scrotal / Doppler Studies

There is no preparation for these studies.




My name is Ayansa  Sorsa. I’ve come to seek medical service to my wife Emebet Jote from Woliso town. We have seven children. My wife’s life was at stake. The Black Lion Hospital referred us to WDC so that my wife would have free diagnostic service. You gave us what we needed including free ambulance services. I will not forget this favor as long as I live. May the Lord bless you with health! This is what I can offer, blessing you! I also would like to appreciate the medical practitioners very much!

Ayana Soresa

Get in Touch

Address: P.O.Box. 5735 Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Location: Churchill Road in front of Lion Pharmacy
Telephone: +251-111-574343
FAX: +251-111-553599
Mob: +251-911-240182
E-mail: info@wudassiediagnostic.com
Website: www.wudassiediagnostic.com